15 Mayıs 2019 Çarşamba


Sutori (formerly HSTRY) was initially marketed as a tool for viewing and creating interactive timelines, but is now positioned as a tool to create interactive stories. The reality is that Sutori has much of the same functionality (and look) as its previous incarnation, but the shift toward stories is understandable since the tool can be used to present all sorts of information. The developer's pre-made stories still lean toward timelines, however, but the community contributions cover all subject areas. To get started, teachers can create classes and then send students codes to access shared timelines and to create their own. The timeline template walks users through the creation process, and the timelines are easy to edit and share. There are a number of features available, including text, images, videos, “Did You Know” call-out boxes, click-to-reveal text links, and multiple-choice quiz questions.

Click the link to look at my work!


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